The Autism College Connection

Explore all the new opportunities at American colleges (and alternatives to college) for students with autism (and related disabilities). We’re here to share all that info with webinars, newsletters, and private consultations!

About us

We Know Colleges and Autism

This project is organized by Laura McKenna, PhD. Dr. McKenna has three decades of experience in education, is a former college professor, and is a mom of a young man with autism.

Don’t fall off the cliff! Instead take a Big Leap to support your young adult as they transition to life after high school.


Regular webinars, offered through Eventbrite, will give parents the latest information on the country’s best programs.


Join our mailing list to get news and related information twice month.


We offer individualized support, engaging presentations, and other resources for parents, schools, SEPAGs, and colleges. Please inquire for more information.

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Our kids do everything differently, including college.

If your child is on the spectrum, start learning the ropes beginning in 8th grade.

Learn how to create a ten-year plan after high school.

We’re here to teach about colleges, as well as all of the alternatives.

Our kids CAN achieve their goals; they take different paths to get there.

We’re here to hold your hand through this process. We’re autism moms. We get it.

Information at Your Fingertips

Webinars, Newsletters, and Private Support